About Sindy Skinless and the Decomposers
Their debut was on Halloween night 2007 in Townsend, MA. They had about 3 songs to sing and a few hundred trick-or-treaters to sing them for. Back then, they didn't even know how to move their arms. Nevertheless, they stood proudly in the graveyard and sang their hearts out! OK, they didn't have hearts anymore, but they did their best.

What have they been up to since then?
When they came back the following year, where they were set up on a stage in a well decorated room where they played for guests all night.
The following year, the gang was the dinner entertainment for a very posh Murder Mystery party that was held in the functiuon room of a local restaurant called "Shepards Pie" in Quechee, VT They provided entertainment for the guests while they dined before the show started. Then they were on the road again.
This time they ended up in Hartland, VT for Hartland Community Arts, who was putting on a play. It was a performance of Dracula on Halloween Weekend. The band played for people as they arrived early for the play, during intermission and afterwards while refreshments were served. Several of our videos on YouTube were filmed at this location as well as the Woodstock Inn location those years.
Since then, this Quartet has made it's home in the Haunted Forest in Williston, VT where they spend a very full three days the weekend before Halloween set up in the woods to entertain those who make it to the end of this outdoor haunted attraction. They feel right at home in their cosy crypt constructed for them by the talented crew at the Haunted forest.
In 2014, the guys were quite in demand, as they performed before the stint at the Haunted Forest back in Quechee for the Chamber Of Commerce who put on their own Haunted Trail right outside the Quechee Gorge Visitor's Center, entertaining all in the town who stopped by for the festivities. After the Haunted Forest, they stopped by a department Halloween party at Dartmouth College to sing for the students and faculty. - 2015 brought a return to Wilson Castle for 3 weeks, as well as a return performance at the Quechee Trail of Terror, and in 2016, the crew is spending two weeks in Essex Junction, VT playing for customers of both Spookyville Vermont, and Nightmare Vermont as they wait in a tent for their turn to go through the attractions.
In 2017, I started a company called Halloween Skulls to sell my 3 axis skulls that I used in Sindy Skinless, but these are new better versions of the skulls, so I got to work replacing all the skulls I was using. Everyone got new heads! Even Mr. Head!
We did perform at Spookyville again in 2017, and then again at my home on my screened porch for our own trick or treaters! It was close quarters, but everyone had fun! -
For 2018, we stayed up at Essex Junction again, but this time for a town-sponsored kids event. It was still held at the Essex Junction Expo Center, and kids were coming and going for 4 hours. This year was different, however. After that party, we packed up and went home getting ready to drive off to Daytona Beach with the whole gang packed in our mini-van. Somehow, we fit it all. We got invited to come and perform at a convention at the Hilton at Daytona Beach starting on November 2nd.
It was a Magic Convention put on by Daytona Magic, and it included two major stage shows on two of the three days of the convention. We were to come on just after intermission as the lead-in for the headliner. I'm not sure why we got asked to a magic convention, but they gave us a booth in the vendors area to sell our skulls and paid our way there and our hotel stay, so we went. We made a special song just for the event and played that and three others for the crowd and got good reactions from them at the event.
There's a shot of the stage below. Our set wasn't very eleborate because we had less than a minute to get in place and less than a minute to get off stage after. Our stage was on wheels. Yes, we brought the stage with us in the minivan along with everything else for the booth which included a 40" monitor and a supply of skulls. -
- Since we were traveling so far with all the skeletons, we needed a better way to carry them, so we built each one a custom travel case to keep them from getting damaged in transit. Here's the one for Sindy:
- In 2019, we returned to Nightmare, VT in Essex Junction and performed again for the people waiting in line to go through the event.
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